Stretch Marks (STRIAE) of post pregnancy and extreme weight loss.

Picosure Laser for the Treatment of Striae Distensae

Victoria G.Belo ,MD1 ;Michelle D.Villanueva,MD1; Guada Santos-Capiz.MD1


We have PICOSURE machine in our clinic that can treat stretch marks (striae)

  • We can treat striae and striae distensaeĀ (striae alba)
  • Results s can be very pronounced from the very first treatment – an improvement from 10% to 30% each time.
  • The changes observed can be attributed to the increase in both collagen and elastin in the skin after undergoing the treatments- usually 6-12 sessions as per advice by Dr Yang.
  • Minimal downtime
  • and some common side effects.

a good treatment protocol

Depending on the severity of the stretch marks , about 6 to 12 sessions are required .

Picosure is the current gold standard laser to treat stretch marks (stria) .

The treatment intervalsĀ  range from 2 weeks to once a month .

When will you see results?

Results can be very felt and seen from the very first treatment – an improvementĀ from 10%-30% each time .

The cost starts from $800 onwards ,depending on severity

Note: Recurrences do occur.

Side effects: Dryness, redness, tenderness, bruises of skin can occur.

Some may notice a change in skin sensations.

Do inform your medical team if this occurs.

In some patients, the striae will worsen temporarily with the initiation of treatment before it gets better.

Disclaimer: result does vary greatly.



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