Sensitive Skin

Can sensitive face skin be returned to normality Dr Yang?

Doctor, can you help me with my sensitive skin ?

According to Jackson EM : The science of cosmetics. AM J Contact Dermatitis 4:108,1993  –  Cosmetic companies would state that their products are for sensitive skin, however, this understates the complexity of the issues .

The first step is to rule out the known causes of sensitive skin – contact dermatitis.

Hence it is very important to let Dr Yang examine your skin complete with a full history of your face and previous treatments that had been done.

If an irritant has been determined, the culprit is totally eliminated from the patient’s skincare regime.

Failure to do so will lead to status cosmeticus whereby the face will feel stinging or burning with every soap or cosmetic applied. A place most of us would rather not be.

An easy to follow treatment.

His patients can and need to follow instructions religiously.

  • 1 medical grade face cleanser
  • 1 medical grade cooling cream
  • 1 medical grade sunblock.
  • 2 types of anti-inflammatory meds.
  • 2 types of anti-inflammatory lasers.

Our products and medicine are of medical grade.

Please, do not compromise on quality and efficacy.

Do note that intrinsic age and genetics do play major roles. As such,  results do vary.

It is important to give regular feedback so that we may adjust the treatment plans.

When will you see results?

Generally, improvements can be felt and seen in one to three weeks time

One is wise to add a maintenance program

Cost start from $500 onward

Results do vary greatly as the sensitive skin of the face is not an easy subject to deal with as we need to address many misconceptions and habits built over the years.



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