nose tip enhancement

nose bridge enhancement

nose filler

nose enhancement without surgery

The ancient believes that the nose reflects the character of the person.

Today, we believe that the “Nose is the anchor that gives the two eyes radiance”.

In real life, the intercanthal distance is shorter. Both inner canthi are stretched due to a higher nose bridge. As such the eyes look bigger and brighter.

enhancing the nose gets one 2 benefits.

“CAT WOMAN” looks elegant, poise and sexier because of the above procedure.

And of course the ancient also knows the CHIN too reflects your character.

Therefore we routinely enhanced the nose and chin.

Do note: some may find videos a little uncomfortable.

Nose and Chin job without knife

  • We use FDA approved filler only for nose enhancement. The nose will  look natural and feel soft.
  • The procedure is relatively painless .
  • We can have the nose bridge higher.
  • Nose tip can be perky.
  • The MOST STARTLING result is that your eyes will look bright.
  • Some may need the CHIN filled up too. This achieves a defined and  V-shaped outline. Most will be  happy.
  • Minimal downtime.
  • High satisfaction rate.
  • Do note that as in all fields of medicine, results do vary.

The most common feedback from patients:

“My admirers are surprised to see that I look prettier, but does not know what has changed. I just look  FRESH.”

usual side effects are nose bruise, much less if the doctor uses a blunt cannula, mild swelling that usually subsides by 4 days.

The nose can still be corrected the next one week by the doctor. Sometimes the patient may need a few more fillers, especially if the nose is very flat.

Skin necrosis is rare but can happen.  Blindness or partial blindness have been reported.

One can choose to enhance 9 key regions of the nose.

1) supraciliary arch
2) infra palpebral flod
3) root of the nose
4) dorsum of the nose
5) Ala of the nose
6) correct shape of nares
7) Apex of nose
8) nasal septum
9) base of philtrum………..AS SUCH a SKILLED DOCTOR IS NEEDED

At the same time, the Chin can be enhanced for a sharper face, a more proportionate face,  a softer look, a well-defined face.

New: RADIO NOSE, to help achieve TIGHTER NOSTRILS.
New: RADIO NOSE, to help attain a LESS FLARED UP NOSE.



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